MyEverythingDiSC.comBETA is a mobile-friendly, interactive learning portal that is exclusive to the Everything DiSC® solutions. An important capstone to any learning program, this follow-up site cements the lessons that users are introduced to in their Everything DiSC profiles and classroom experiences, extending their learning into the future. MyEverythingDiSC.comBETA enables learners to actively incorporate their new DiSC® knowledge into their daily work. It offers them insights into their own DiSC style and strategies for working and communicating with others.

Use of MyEverythingDiSC.comBETA requires the learner to create an account and import their completed Everything DiSC profile. Their EPIC administrator can turn on access to all or part of MyEverythingDiSC.comBETA at any point of the assessment process, or as a follow-up after their classroom training (see Best Practices for tips on when you might turn on access).

Learners are able to access their profile, discover more about their style, reports, and their customers through Customer Interaction Maps (exclusive to the Everything DiSC® Sales profile) and their Comparisons. Both individual and group comparisons can be created and offer content exclusive to MyEverythingDiSC.comBETA.

Learner Take-Aways 

  • Access profiles anytime, with any device
  • Deepen understanding of the theory and research behind Everything DiSC®
  • Learn more about how their DiSC styles impact workplace preferences
  • Invite others to compare DiSC styles—and accept invites to compare from others
  • Create Customer Interaction Maps for improving sales relationships (Exclusive to Everything DiSC® Sales)

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